Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The Tanzanian Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives Honourable Christopher Kajoro Chiza called for strong partnership among organisations or institutions serving the same clients and seeking to attain the same goals. The Deputy Minister made a call today when he paid a short visit at the Tumbi Agricultural Research and Training Institute. Talking to staff of this institute, the Deputy Minister said it is through such partnership that organisations can be able to use effectively the scarce resources at their disposal such as human, financial and others. Another advantage of partnership is avoidance of duplication of activities. He also advised the people working in the agricultural sector to assist the sustainability of good practices and other outputs from the projects that were meant for a certain group of people. He cited an example of REDESO which is primarily working for the refugees and their outputs may not be sustainable as the refugees are repatriated. Lastly, he asked all agricultural actors including farmers to exploit fully the opportunities provided by the Tanzania’s National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction (MKUKUTA) and the Property and Business Formalisation Programme for Tanzania (MKURABITA) . MKURABITA is a socio-economic initiative based on public empowerment especially through land ownership. According to Prof. Hernando de Soto (a resource person for MKURABITA), when the place – say one square meter – of land, plot on which a young woman recharges mobile phones is recognised as a business premise and can even be registered, it is as good as capital.

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