Wednesday, October 29, 2008

CTA Seminar: Second and Third Day

The second day has been the busiest day for the participants. Before this date, there were two important events: presentation of lead papers (cross cutting issues) chaired by Prof Sivakumar (WMO) and Panel session chaired by Rod Harbinson (Panos London). More about these sessions and summary of the first day activities visit the seminar webpage at

The second day began by presentation of three papers under panel session on impact of livestock carbon emission on climate change. The session was chaired by DR Pierre Gerber from FAO. The session was followed by parallel sessions defined by the four themes of the seminar: cropping systems, agro-pastoral system, biophysical issues and socio-economic issues. More than 40 papers were presented in these sessions. Poster presentation followed with more than 20 posters available for the participants to read and get clarifications from the presenters. During this day, I had interview by Aveseh Asough of Radio Netherlands.
With Professor M.V.K. Sivakumar of WMO after my presentation. 

The third day began by presentation of information and communication strategies in a session chaired by Dr Neun, the Director of CTA. Six papers were presented and discussed by the participants. Details can be found from the seminar website. The early morning session was followed by working group session were participants in their theme groups worked on the theme specific outcomes expected from the seminar.

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