Tuesday, September 12, 2006


A farmous Swahili blogger, Mr. Ndesanjo Macha, once asked me about my views on Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO). A few days ago I have received e-mail from James of Gmo Africa Blog . This is a part of what he wrote:

I have visited your website and would like to suggest an additional resource. Gmo Africa carries blogs and news on the benefits of genetically modified food in Africa and the rest of the developing world. Gmo Africa would be useful addition to the http://mongidreams.blogspot.com/ section of your website. Gmo Africa is an important resource on modern agricultural biotechnology. It will give your users an opportunity to understand the place of modern agricultural biotechnology in Africa and the rest of the developing world.

I have added the link to Gmo Africa on the “Important websites” section of this blog. I hope Mr Macha and many of us will benefit from the resources.


Ndesanjo Macha said...

I will check out the blog.
I'd be glad to "learn" these "benefits" of GMOs in Africa!

Raisa said...

Hello, I am a student and i have to take the role of an African farmer for one of my classes. It is a debate and I have to say if I (as an african farmer) am PRO GMO or against GMO. I do not know which angle to take. I would prefer Pro but i need some help on how to build my argument. If you could help me out that would be great. My e-mail is rpal@uoguelph.ca if you could contact me that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.